Appy Pie User Registration API - API to Login & Register Users

Register App User

Register App User API handles the process of registering a user with an app so the new users can log in and use the application. This API allows you to create a user account, set the username, email address, and password which the user can use to log in to the app.

You can refer to the sample code provided on the right side of the screen and switch to your preferred language.

Access the RegisterUser endpoint to register an app user. To access this API endpoint, login/signup to Appy Pie Developer account and obtain the required AccessToken Key from the Authentication section.

Below is the request URL and the Method is POST:


Parameter NameRequiredParameter TypeParameter Description
methodYesStringMethod addUser is pre-defined.
apiKeyYesStringAPI key is unique for a user account on Appy Pie. You can generate your API key from your Appy Pie account. Go to My Apps Backend>Users>User Registration API>Generate Key
nameYesStringName of the user to be registered
emailYesStringEmail Address of the User
passwordYesStringPassword for the User
phoneYesStringPhone Number of the User
groupNoStringGroup to which the user will be added
passwordTypeNoStringPassword type if set to MD5 do not encrypt password
statusNoString1 for Active and 0 for Inactive
Required Parameters are mandatory to access the API endpoint. You cannot remove the optional parameter but you can set the default parameter value to Blank.


This error section displays all the errors with details.

Following are the error codes that indicate the success or failure of an API request:

Error CodeMeaning
400Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403Forbidden -- The method requested is hidden for administrators only.
404Not Found -- The specified method could not be found.
405Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a method with an invalid method.
406Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that is not json.
410Gone -- Request has been removed from our servers.
429Too Many Requests
500Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503Service Unavailable -- We are temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.
2032API Key is required
2034Email is required
2036Invalid API Key
2038Provide valid API Key
2039Email already exists
2040Phone already exists
2041Email Invalid
To authorize, use this code:

1wget --no-check-certificate --quiet \
2	--method POST \
3	--timeout=0 \
4	--header "ACCESSTOKEN: Access Token Key" \
5	--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
6	--body-data
7	'{
8		"method":"addUser",
9		"apiKey":"Your API Key",
10		"name":"Dev",
11		"email":"t***@g***.c*m",
12		"password":"1xxxxxx7",
13		"phone":"9xxxxxxxx4",
14		"group":"",
15		"passwordType":"",
16		"status":"1"
17	 }' \
18	""


  "successCode": "200",
  "message": "Registered successfully"